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To Sue's Sanctuary
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My oldest granddaughter, Alicia,  enjoys acting with her theater group. They recently put on a play that was enjoyed by everyone. They put a lot of work into it but the results spoke for themselves. This play was set in a 1950's diner. In short, two young men decide to go into business for themselves and open a diner. This was against the wishes of their mother, who notes that any of their previous undertakings have failed. Still, they went ahead and opened their diner and the story unfolded. It was quite commical and everyone, young and old, enjoyed it.
Here are Ted and Fred Berserker, working out the details as Marlene and Darlene, the waitresses, await their instructions. Marlene is the one in the poodle skirt (and also happens to be my granddaughter :o))
Everyone dances up a storm!
Mrs. Berserker voices her opinion and concerns loud and clear...and in no uncertain terms! What a bore to this younger generation, just trying to earn a living and have a little fun in the process!
Many thanks to this terrific group who provided us with some exceptional entertainment!

My sincere thanks also go out to the Directors, Miss Rachel Savage Bobkowski & Mr. Ed Savage, the Assistant Director, Christine Holm and the pianist, Collin Johnson. They work very hard and ALWAYS do a wonderful job.

See you next season!
To Winter Months by Alicia
To Dolphin Island by Alicia